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Входная контрольная работа по английскому языку 11 класс.

I -variant
(1) Name_______________
I. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in brackets in the right tense.
1. He (to arrive) _______________________at the hotel late yesterday.
2. She is very glad: she (to finish) _________________ fantastic costumes.
3. They (to watch) ____________________a new play in the theatre the whole day
4. Look! She (to paint) _____________________ wonderful scenery.
5. The audience (to applaud) _________________for twenty minutes already.
6. I think, this circus (to give) _________________ a new show every year.

II. Change Active into Passive
7. They grew this coffee in Brazil.
8. They built a new theatre in this town.
9. People often make tables of plastic.
10. They will consider your plan.
11. I will give you my opera glasses
12. They don’t show such films on TV.
III. Active or Passive
13. Nobody (to see) ___________________him yesterday.
14. The telegram (to receive)_________________________ tomorrow.
15. At the station they (to meet)_________________________by a man.
16. This man (to grow)___________________vegetables every year.
17. She (to send)____________________flowers by a stranger last month.
18. I think all people (to enjoy)_______________________entertainment.

IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the -ing form or the infinitive.
19. Tom helped his mother --------- ( get ) the dinner ready.
20. He looks so funny. When I see him, I can’t help --------- ( smile ).
21. Mr. Thomas doesn’t let anyone ------- ( smoke ) in his office.
22. Would you prefer -------- ( have ) dinner now or later?
23. The weather was fine and he suggested me -------- ( go ) for a walk
24. He pretended --------( not, see ) me as he passed me in the street.
25. Tom refused -------- ( lend ) me any money.
26. The film was very sad. It made her ------ ( cry ).
27. I really miss --------( live ) in the country.
28. Young children often ask --------- ( take ) them to the zoo.

V.  Supply the correct form in these sentences. Infinitive forms are given in
Example: If you ( go) to England by air, you’ll soon be there..
If you go to England by air, you’ll soon be there.
29. What would you do if you ( meet ) a lion ?
30. If he ( leave ) at two o’clock, he will be there before dark.
31. If you ( leave ) at two o’clock, you would be there before dark.
32. Would you say “Yes” if he ( ask ) you to go with him ?
33. If he ( be ) me, he would do the same.
34. What would you do if someone ( give ) you a lot of money?

VI*. Choose the correct modal verbs.
35. Nobody answered the phone. They ------- be out.
a) should c) can
b) would d) must
36. I’d like ------- skate.
a) to can c) to have to
b) to be able to d) could
37. -------- you mind passing me the salt?
a) will c) would
b) should d) could 
38. I ------- to cover the whole distance on foot.
a) can c) must
b) have d) should

VII*.  Turn the following into Reported Speech.
39. My friend says, “I never get up early.”
40. “I’m learning French,” said Mary.
41. “I’ve never set eyes on him in my life,” she said.
42. The teacher says, “Sit down, children.”
43. “I’ll phone you at seven o’clock, ”she said to him.
44. “Don’t look at me like this’, she said.
45. “Is there a word of truth in this story?” the girl asked.
46.  The policeman said, “What have you lost, Madam?”

Входная контрольная работа  по английскому языку 11 класс.
II variant
(1) Name_______________
I. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in brackets in the right tense.
1. I (not to eat) _____________________today.
2. He always (to get up)____________________at 7 o’clock.
3. My brother (to train)________________________ at the stadium from 6 till 9 yesterday.
4. They (to speak)___________________________to the teacher yesterday.
5. He (to learn)_______________________ English for three month already.
6. Listen! Somebody (to sing)_______________________________________

II. Change Active into Passive
7. I shall forget the poem.
8. My granny doesn’t grow
9. Someone remembered these facts.
10. They discovered a small island.
11. His wife will buy a new dress.
12. She recites long poems.
III. Active or Passive
13. Nobody knows when this fact (to discover)
14. He (to write) __________________________this poem two weeks ago.
15. The sweets (to eat)_________________________next week.
16. A lot of animal (to protect)____________________________every day.
17. People already (to translate)____________________________this article.
18. The small island (to show) _______________________on the map.

IV.  Choose the correct variant.
19.Although I was in a hurry, I stopped ----- to him.
 A to talk B talking
20. Would you mind ------- the front door? 56
 A to close B closing
21. All parts of London seem -------- to different times and epochs.
 A to belong B belonging
22. Why have you stopped? Go on ------
 A to read B reading
23. When we had finished ------- , the waiter brought us the bill.
 A to eat B eating
24. My car needs a service badly, and Tom offered -------- me with it.
 A to help B helping
25. I can’t help -------- about that awful accident.
 A to think B thinking
26. I’ m not interested in ………….
A to hike   B hiking
27. This book is worth ……………  .
 A  reading    B to read
28. I offered ---------- ( go ) by bus or by train.
 A going   B to go
V.  Choose the best variant.
 29. If I ------( be) free, I’ll help you.
 a ) will
 b) am
 c) were
 30. If he ------- I would be glad.
 b) called
 c) will call
31. If the weather ------- fine you would not stay at home.
 a) is
 b) was
 c) were
32. If I knew English well, I ------ take this job.
 a) shall
 b) will
 c) should
33. If I had one million dollars, I ------- a yacht.
a) would probably buy
 b) will probably buy
 c) probably bought 34
34. If I ------- early tomorrow morning, I ------- jogging.
 a) will get up    d) go
 b) get up           e) am going
 c) got up           f) will go

VI*.  Choose the correct alternative in the following sentences
35. She could / was able play the piano very well when she was your age.
36. Could / may you open the window a little?
37. She said she must / had go to the supermarket.
38. How wonderful! Tomorrow’s Saturday and we mustn’t / don’t have to get up
at 6.30.
39. You mustn’t / needn’t tell anybody . It’s a secret.
40. You don’t need to / must drive me to the airport. I can get the bus.

VII*.  Turn the following into Reported Speech.
41. He said, ”What song is Jane singing now?”
42. The inspector said, “I have heard of such cases often enough.”
43. “Is it the story about me?” he said.
44. “Do you want to be a lawyer?” asked the teacher.
45. “Stop talking, please” said the teacher.
46.  “Don’t interrupt me.” said John to Jessica.

Входная контрольная работа  по английскому языку 11 класс.
I -variant
I. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in brackets in the right tense.
2. has finished
3. were watching
4. is  painting
5. have been applauding
6.  gives
II. Change Active into Passive
7. This coffee was grown in Brazil.
8. A new theatre was built in this town.
9. Tables  are often made of plastic.
10. Your plan will be considered.
11. You will  be given my opera glasses. / My opera glasses will  be given to you.
12.  Such films aren’t shown on TV.
III. Active or Passive
13. Nobody (to see) ___________________him yesterday. (Act_
14. The telegram (to receive)_________________________ tomorrow. (Pass.)
15. At the station they (to meet)_________________________by a man. (Pas.)
16. This man (to grow)___________________vegetables every year. (Act.)
17. She (to send)____________________flowers by a stranger last month. (Pas.)
18. I think all people (to enjoy)_______________________entertainment. (Act.)

IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the -ing form or the infinitive.

19. (to )get
20. smiling
21.  smoke
22. to have
23.  going
24.  not to see
25. to lend 
26. cry
27.  miss living
28.  to take

V.  Supply the correct form in these sentences. Infinitive forms are given in
Example: If you ( go) to England by air, you’ll soon be there..
If you go to England by air, you’ll soon be there.
29.  met
30.  he leaves
31. left
32.  asked
33. were
34. gave
VI*. Choose the correct modal verbs.
35. Nobody answered the phone. They ------- be out.
d) must
36. I’d like ------- skate.
b) to be able to
37. -------- you mind passing me the salt?
 c) would 
38. I ------- to cover the whole distance on foot.
b) have 
VII*.  Turn the following into Reported Speech.
39. My friend says that he never gets up early.
40.  Mary said that she was learning French.
41. She said that she had  never set eyes on him in her life.
42. The teacher asks children  to sit down.
43. She said to him that she would  phone him at seven o’clock.
44.  She asked not to look at her like that’.
45. The girl asked if  there was a word of truth in that story.
46.  The policeman asked Madam what she had lost.

Входная контрольная работа  по английскому языку 11 класс.
II variant
I. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in brackets in the right tense.
1. haven’t eaten
2.  gets up
3. was training
4. spoke
5. has been learning
6. is singing
II. Change Active into Passive
7. The poem will be forgotten.
8. Tomatoes aren’t grown by my granny.
9. These facts were remembered by someone.
10. A small island was discovered by them.
11. A new dress will be bought by his wife.
12. Long poems are recited by her.

III. Active or Passive
13. Passive
14. Active
15. Passive
16. Passive
17. Active
18. Passive
IV.  Choose the correct variant.
19. A,   20 B  , 21  A,   22   B,   23 B,     24 A,     25  B,    26 B,    27 A,   28 B

V.  Choose the best variant.
 29 b,    30 b,   31 c,    32 c,    33 a,    34 b, f
VI*.  Choose the correct alternative in the following sentences
35.  could
36. Could
37.  must 
38.  don’t have to get up at 6.30.
39. You mustn’t
40. You don’t need to

VII*.  Turn the following into Reported Speech.
41. He asked what song Jane was singing then.
42. The inspector said that he had  heard of such cases often enough.
43. He asked (me) if  it  was the story about me.
44. The teacher asked me if I  wanted to be a lawyer.
45. The teacher asked / told  (us) to stop talking.

46.  John asked Jessica not to interrupt him.


  1. спасибо вам большое!

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  3. Открывается страхование существования в случае домашнего займа, например, когда вы получаете кредит, вы подписываете документ о страховании кредита, его срок равен ограничению средств, сумма денег - масштаб микрокредита. Если с клиентом что-то случится, из-за чего его заявка не сможет оплатить кредитные программы, страховая компания выплачивает проценты по кредиту по профилю. Чаще всего страхование банковских услуг подразумевает следующую вероятность: смерть, инвалидность одного или 2|два>|2|два>>|2|два>/2|два>>> типа, Новинка! Global Credit: кредит на карту под 0% за 15 минут 24/7 Долговременная временная потеря функций (более месяца). Некоторые страховые компании предлагают довольно дорогие полисы, которые включают инвалидность другой музыкальной группы или потерю трудоспособности ровно через 2 дня. Следует также отметить, что при начале страхового проекта клиент или его родственники ни черта не получат, по крайней мере напрямую. Страховая компания лично выдаст судно с такой задачей - гарантированное досрочное погашение кредита. Если вы стремитесь приобрести дополнительные суммы, вам необходимо собрать полис, страховой материал которого будет преобладать над суммой остальной части кредита. Конечно, вам нужно будет все время поддаваться профилю, но вы сможете включить вспомогательные расходы на курс лечения (таблетки, любительские центры, процедуры и т.Д.), А также компенсационные выплаты в случае неудачного проекта.

  4. Выберите высококлассное обслуживание аэрофотосъемки, типичное для нашей студии. Специальная компания продает различные идеи для фотосъемки торжеств, деловых, общегородских, производственных вечеринок. Предлагаемые диспетчеры занимаются проектированием ландшафтов, домов, архитектурных массивов. Доверяйте нашей компании, когда человеку нужна торжественная или топографическая фотография, сделанная с помощью высокотехнологичных беспилотных летательных аппаратов. Услуга аэрофотосъемки на заказ Когда человеку нужно записать праздничное событие, сделать надежным персонал детских садов, школьных игорных домов и других, прибегают к услугам продвинутой "фортуны". Услуга аэросъемки предполагает регистрацию событий, сооружений с высоты с помощью специального оборудования. С помощью аэрофотосъемки можно спроектировать оптимальные во всем, а также точные изображения сверху. В этом случае используется беспилотный летательный аппарат. Это летающее устройство обеспечивает множество предпосылок для потребителей. Пользователи получают возможность получать уникальные кадры на современных версиях с воздуха. Беспилотный летательный аппарат помогает проводить оценку с любой высоты. Предлагаемые секс-файлы диспетчеров оснащены хорошим большим навыком, различными необходимыми знаниями и эрудицией. В связи с этим сервис, несомненно, считается надежным и эффективным, если результат поражает скептиков. Более того, наша компания прилагает все усилия, чтобы в течение длительного времени создавать яркие лайфхаки для персональных пользователей, и их идеи были реализованы. Взгляните на салон, онлайн-проект, в котором вы можете заранее рассчитать бюджет работы, обсудить специфику плана с сотрудником, но в дополнение к этому приобрести заказ. Мероприятие проводится с учетом пожеланий клиента, нюансов мероприятия. Сотрудники лейбла занимаются продажей серийной кинопродукции различных проблем. Мы предоставляем отличные услуги аэрофотосъемки и видеосъемки с беспилотных летательных аппаратов. Для всех, у кого конкретно есть какие-либо вопросы относительно того, где и сколько вы получите возможность разместить стоимость геологических изысканий, Вы можете связаться с нашим веб-сайтом.


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